Ailancy advisory

Our business expertise

Central functions​

Our clients are the so-called “central” functions of large groups: RISK, COMPLIANCE, FINANCE, ESG. Our team has expertise specific to the professions of these central functions: knowledge of regulatory obligations, the ability to define, draft, and deploy standards and control plans, expertise in raising awareness, training, integrating new practices within professions, mastery of operational and regulatory reporting and the challenges related to data (creation, organization and structuring of a data management office, management of data quality improvement projects)…

  • Finance: Diagnosis and overhaul of the finance function’s organization, Choice and implementation of accounting and financial IT solutions, Definition and implementation of management tools, Regulatory reporting, Management control, Electronic invoicing, PtoP, KYS, Fast Close…


  • Risks: Risk mapping, Operational risks, Review and optimization of control plans, Credit risk (analysis and monitoring of commitments, rating, delegation scheme, Basel III, BCBS 239…), Business continuity (mapping, improvement plan, KRI, reporting, governance, PUPA…)


  • Compliance: Regulatory monitoring, management of compliance and remediation projects, audit of organizations, review and optimization of control plans, KYC, KYS, AML/CTF, ABC, Customer protection, GDPR…


  • ESG: Management of the implementation of Sustainable Finance regulations within groups (SFDR, EU Taxonomy, Mifid 2 ESG/DDA, CSDD, Biodiversity, green industry law…), Implementation or adaptation of extra-financial reporting (CSRD, Article 29 LEC…), optimization of ESG reporting production (data factory), Integration of ESG risks into governance and risk management, establishment of a cross-functional ESG organization, definition of ESG data governance and assistance in the choice of data providers, (Data Management)

Our sectors

The Central Functions team adresses all sectors :   Industry Financial services InsuranceLuxury

Use case

Use case 1

DORA regulatory compliance for a major European Clearing House 

Use case 2

Support in the implementation of the BTCA solution and an adapted Market Abuse detection methodology for an International Wealth Management Bank

Use case 3

Overhaul of the complete permanent control system for a major Investment Bank

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DORA regulatory compliance for a major European Clearing House

  • Realization of the gap analysis (DORA regulatory requirements vs. the client’s current system) via analysis of the ad hoc documentation (risk tolerance, procedures, mechanisms to detect incidents) and workshops
  • Transformation Plan build out into 12 streams and 21 projects
  • Coordination with the group within the framework of a larger program (including Cloud regulation)
  • Steering and coordination of the 21 projects

Support in the implementation of the BTCA solution and an adapted Market Abuse detection methodology for an International Wealth Management Bank

  • Reconfirming the used scenarios, calibrations and filters
  • Definition of an alert analysis methodology
  • Review of regulatory requirements and notification to the regulator
  • Deployment of the solution within affiliated banks

Overhaul of the complete permanent control system for a major Investment Bank

  • Production of a benchmark of many other banking groups
  • Redefinition of 220 activities, 112 macro-processes and 500 processes through numerous workshops with key players
  • Stakeholders support in the understanding and allocation of operational risks as well as in the definition of normative control needs and rewriting or creation of their controls according to a homogeneous model for the group (~1100 controls homogenized during the project)
  • Change management (communication and training) and support for the deployment of this system to the retail bank’s financial department